Institute of Education of the University of Minho


CIEd researchers presented posters at the Seminar “Career Resources and Employability in Higher Education: Diversity and Intervention in Dynamic Contexts”

As part of the Seminar “Career Resources and Employability in Higher Education: Diversity and Intervention in Dynamic Contexts”, which took place on October 18 at the University of Minho, 5 posters were presented by CIEd researchers and/or resulting from work carried out at the Center:

➡The influence of social and cultural capital on the path of higher education graduates, by Catarina Silva and Leonor Lima Torres;
➡ Employability, Career Resources and Learning: a study of CIEd doctoral graduates, by Paula Tinoco;
➡ Higher Education and Employability: an exploratory analysis of the paths of higher education students, by José Nuno Teixeira, Leonor Lima Torres and Silvia Monteiro;
➡ Validity and accuracy study of the Portuguese version of the Oviedo Grit Scale, by Silvia Monteiro, Sandra Santos and Leandro Almeida;
➡ Factors determining the employability of higher education graduates: a scoping review, by Silvia Monteiro, Sandra Santos, José Nuno Teixeira, Leonor Lima Torres and José Augusto Palhares.

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