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Institute of Education of the University of Minho




Latest News


22 Jul. 2024

CIEd researchers José Alberto Lencastre and Celestino Magalhães took part in the Third transnational project meeting – EMPOWER DIGI TEACH

The meeting took place on July 18 and 19 at the Open University of Catalonia in Barcelona.

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19 Jul. 2024

The 9th session of the Networked Dialogues – Curriculum, Learning and the Teaching Class: Itinerant Curriculum Theory at the Epicenter of Social and Cognitive Justice took place on July 19.

This session was coordinated by CIEd researcher Maria Alfredo Moreira and led by Professor Inês B. Oliveira and Professor João M. Paraskeva.

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15 Jul. 2024

Researcher Leonor L. Torres invited to join the Bureau of the Research Committee (CR07) – Education, training, socialization, Association Internationale de Sociologues de Langue Française (AISLF)

The CIEd researcher will be a member of the Committee for the next four years, representing Portuguese sociology of education.

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15 Jul. 2024

Realizou-se, de 11 a 13 de julho, o XVII Curso de Verão 2024 – Paulo Freire: da Pedagogia do Oprimido à Pedagogia da Autonomia

Este evento contou com a participação dos investigadores CIEd Almerindo Janela Afonso, Daniela Silva, Fátima Antunes, Guilherme Silva e Licínio Lima.

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12 Jul. 2024

Investigadores CIEd Leonor Torres e José Palhares participaram no XXIIe Congrès International de Sociologues de Langue Française – Sciences, Savoirs et Sociétés, em Ottawa

O evento, que decorreu de 8 a 12 de julho, contou com a apresentação de 2 comunicaçãos científicas da autoria dos investigadores CIEd.

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11 Jul. 2024

CIEd researcher José António Brandão Carvalho took part in the 23rd European Conference on Literacy & 7th Panhellenic Literacy Conference

The CIEd researcher took part in the event, which took place in June in Crete, Greece, with a paper entitled “Students' perceptions of their achievements in a course on academic literacy in a Portuguese University”.

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09 Jul. 2024

Investigadora CIEd Ana Francisca Monteiro participou no CNaPPES.24

A investigadora participou no evento, no dia 8 de julho, com uma comunicação intitulada "O papel do feedback entre pares para o desenvolvimento das capacidades e disposições de pensamento crítico".

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09 Jul. 2024

The VII Luso-Afro-Brazilian Colloquium on Curricular Issues will be held from February 12 to 14, 2025.

The event, which registration is open until August 31, will take place at the Federal University of Pará, in the city of Belém, Pará/Brazil.

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08 Jul. 2024

Investigador CIEd Licínio Lima foi homenageado pela APEFA!

Esta homenagem decorreu no II Seminário Internacional de Educação e Formação de Adultos, no dia 5 de julho.

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08 Jul. 2024

CIEd researcher Gina C. Lemos took part in the II International Seminar on “Education, Artistic Practices and Inclusion: Projects in co-creation”

Gina C. Lemos co-authored the oral communication “Artistic practices, involvement and well-being: The Recriar-se project”.

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08 Jul. 2024

CIEd has rebranded its visual identity!

The rebranding of CIEd's visual identity and new website were presented at the Scientific Committee Meeting on July 3.

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08 Jul. 2024

CIEd researcher Licínio Lima took part in the II International Seminar on Adult Education and Training

Licínio Lima gave the opening lecture entitled “Freedom, development, well-being” on July 5 in Lisbon.

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04 Jul. 2024

CIEd researchers Carolina Jardim and Joana Casanova lead workshop at EERA Summer School 2024

The Workshop - Time management during doctoral studies took place on July 3rd at the University of Porto.

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04 Jul. 2024

Luan Tarlau Balieiro, a PhD student on an Advanced Scientific Internship at CIEd, took part in the Spanish Digital Sociology Congress in Seville.

This participation included the presentation of a paper entitled “Digitalization of Higher Education in Latin America and Europe: a sociological analysis of the implications of platform capitalism”, by Luan Tarlau Balieiro, Leonor L. Torres and Mário Azevedo.

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03 Jul. 2024

CIEd researcher Maria José Casa-Nova took part in the Council of Europe’s Final Conference Inclusive Schools: Making a difference for Roma Children

The conference took place from May 27 to 29 as part of the INSCHOOL project promoted by the European Union and the Council of Europe.

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02 Jul. 2024

Manuel Orlando Capuma | PhD in Educational Sciences – School Organization and Administration

On July 2, Manuel Orlando Capuma took the PhD exams in Education Sciences, specializing in School Organization and Administration, with Virgínio Isidro Martins Sá as […]

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01 Jul. 2024

The EERA Summer School Porto 2024 started today, July 1st!

This edition of the Summer School, which runs from July 1 to 5, will be attended by four CIEd researchers: José António Brandão, Carolina Jardim, Íris Pereira and Joana Casanova.

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01 Jul. 2024

6 articles published in June complete volume 37, number 1 of RPE

You can access Vol. 37 No. 1 (2024) January - June here:

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28 Jun. 2024

CIEd researcher Leonor Lima Torres took part in the 3rd ISUP Internacional Summer School – Polycrisis challenges the sociological imagination, Porto

The event, which took place on June 28, featured a speech by the CIEd researcher entitled “Times and counter-times of education in democracy: (dis)orders and inventiveness”.

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28 Jun. 2024

XVII Congress of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences | submission of papers

The first phase for submitting papers runs until July 6. You can find more information here:

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27 Jun. 2024

Xavier Jorge Mafuassa | PhD in Educational Sciences – Literacies and Portuguese Teaching


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26 Jun. 2024

CIEd’s Thematic Line 3 Seminar “Education, participation, (trans)formation, dialog between projects” took place on June 25.

This seminar included interventions on 3 projects that are part of LT3.

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26 Jun. 2024

CIEd researchers Leonor L. Torres and José Augusto Palhares took part in the 94th Session of the DGEEC Statistical Forum in Lisbon

The event, which took place on June 25, featured a presentation by CIEd researchers on the topic: Young people's educational paths and social participation: are class origins still relevant?

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26 Jun. 2024

CIEd researcher Joana Casanova held GEICS Conference: Failure and Dropout in Higher Education: reflections on inequalities in academic paths

The conference took place on May 29 in virtual format.

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26 Jun. 2024

CIEd researcher Joana Casanova is editor at Research Topic da revista “Frontiers in Education” – Educational Transformation: 21st century skills and challenges for higher education

You can find more information at the following link:

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26 Jun. 2024

CIEd researcher Joana Casanova carried out a research internship at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Oviedo, Spain

In June, the researcher took part in a meeting of the project “Estudio de los factores de riesgo y protección del abandono universitario. Elaboración una guía buenas prácticas. Elaboration of a guide to good practices” and in a training session for young researchers.

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26 Jun. 2024

CIEd researcher Glória Solé participated in the XI International Symposium on Didactics of Social Sciences in the Ibero-American context, at the University of Saragoça, Spain.

The researcher participated as a speaker in the Round Table “Challenges of History Teaching”, which took place on June 5 and 6.

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25 Jun. 2024

CIEd researchers Laurinda Leite and Luís Dourado took part in the VII International Congress on Science Teaching SIEC 2024

The event, which took place from June 10 to 13, saw the participation of CIEd researchers on the Scientific Committee and as moderators of two round tables.

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21 Jun. 2024

CIEd researcher Licínio Lima took part in the VII Seminar on Brazilian Education, at Unicamp/Campinas, Brazil

The researcher gave the opening lecture entitled “Education as a right in an unequal world: criticism as a strategy”. The event took place between June 19 and 21.

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17 Jun. 2024

CIEd Bulletin No. 10 – Education in Democracy launched

This issue of the Bulletin was officially launched during the 2nd edition of the Doctoral Days in Educational Sciences and you can read it in full at the following link:

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17 Jun. 2024

The 2nd edition of the Doctoral Days in Educational Sciences was held on June 11 and 12.

You can see some of the moments from the 2nd edition of the Doctoral Days in Educational Sciences in the video:

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17 Jun. 2024

CIEd researcher Carolina Jardim took part in hird International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica”

The event took place between June 3 and 6 in Cagliari, Italy.

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04 Jun. 2024

3 articles published in May are part of volume 37, number 1 of RPE

You can consult the articles here:

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04 Jun. 2024

Meeting of Thematic Line 1 – Diversity, democratization and social inclusion

CIEd’s Thematic Line 1 – Diversity, democratization and social inclusion – met on the afternoon of 23 May to discuss the work and dynamism of […]

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04 Jun. 2024

GReP Teacher Training and School Pedagogy, of Thematic Line 2 – Learning, innovation and sustainable educational development – held the initiative “Dialogues on research”, with doctoral students

The first session of this initiative took place on May 14, with the aim of promoting reflection on the nature and purpose of educational research and the role of researchers.

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04 Jun. 2024

CIEd researcher Licínio Lima organized the Open Class “Research in Education with Paulo Freire” at Unicamp, Brazil

This open class, held as part of the closing of the concentrated course of the Postgraduate Program in Education, took place on May 24.

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30 May. 2024

CIEd researcher Leonor Lima Torres took part in the Working Session “Decentralization of competences, which paths?”

This working session was organized by the Braga District Directorate of the Northern Zone Teachers' Union (SPZN), in the Camilo Castelo Branco Secondary School Auditorium, on May 29.

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29 May. 2024

CIEd researcher Leonor Lima Torres took part in the 5th International Congress on Leadership and Improvement in Education (CILME 2024)

The CIEd researcher took part in the CILME 2024 round table Transforming school cultures: leadership and learning communities, on May 28 at the FPCE of the University of Porto.

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28 May. 2024

CIEd Visiting Conference “Education in bell hooks: commitment and critical thinking”

The conference, given by Dr. Brais González Arribas, took place on May 27.

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27 May. 2024

2nd Edition of the Doctoral Days in Educational Sciences

Participation in the 2nd edition of the Doctoral Days in Educational Sciences is free and open to the public, but registration is required using the form:

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27 May. 2024

PROMETEU – Promoting mental health and well-being in the UMinho community

If you are part of the University of Minho community, please contribute and take part in this project through the questionnaire you received in your institutional email.

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22 May. 2024

CIEd researchers Almerindo J. Afonso and Leonor Torres participate in “Sextas ao Centro – Cycle of Thematic Meetings: April 25 – 50 years of freedom and challenges for education. How can we educate for the present? What is really important to learn?”

On May 17, CIEd researchers took part in PANEL I - What is really important to learn?

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22 May. 2024

8th session of the Network Dialogues – Being a Physics and Chemistry teacher today

This session took place on May 21 and was led by Alexandra Romero and Jorge Teixeira.

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20 May. 2024

Workshop Construction and Validation of Psychoeducational Assessment Instruments

This workshop took place on May 16 and 17 and was led by Joana Casanova and Leandro Almeida.

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20 May. 2024

Call for papers Education Sciences | Problem-Based Learning in Science Education: Achievements, Pitfalls and Ways Forward

CIEd researchers Laurinda Leite and Luís Dourado are the Guest Editors of the special issue of the journal Education Sciences.

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13 May. 2024

Bruna Isabel Joaquim Plácido | PhD in Educational Sciences – Foreign Language Education


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13 May. 2024

CIEd Visiting Conference “Narratives of postgraduate research and training: diaries, visual storytelling and authorship in cyberculture”

This conference took place on May 10th and was given by Edméa Santos.

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13 May. 2024

CIEd researcher Custódia Martins took part in the International Congress “On Differences: Philosophy, Culture and Education in 21st Century Societies”. XXI”

CIEd researcher Custódia Martins took part with a paper entitled “Convergences and Divergences on Education in the 18th century and the present day: the case of Rousseau”.

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13 May. 2024

Challenges – 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education with the participation of CIEd

The event took place on May 9th and 10th at the Institute of Education.

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09 May. 2024

CIEd researchers took part in the Dialogues on Education “25 years of Dialogues on Education: democratic citizenship and the Schools – Families relationship: new challenges”

The event took place on May 6th at the Institute of Education.

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09 May. 2024

CIEd PhD student Joana Costa took part in the Adult Education Academy in Germany

The Academy of Adult Education: International & comparative studies in adult education & lifelong learning took place at the University of Wurzburg, Germany, in February.

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02 May. 2024

CIEd researchers Maria Alfredo Moreira and Ana Sofia Afonso took part in the AERA Annual Conference in Philadelphia (USA)

Together with Tania Sánchez Gómez and Begoña Rumbo Arcas, from the University of A Coruña, they presented a paper entitled “Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in Teacher Preparation Programs in Portugal and Spain”.

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02 May. 2024

CIEd Visiting Conference “Simulators and virtual laboratories in science education: potentials and challenges”.

This conference took place on April 30 and was given by Dr. Jorge Pozuelo Muñoz.

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30 Apr. 2024

CIEd researchers take part in Seminar on Adult Education and Community Intervention – Emerging Themes, Contexts and Practice

This event took place on April 29th at the Institute of Education and was attended by CIEd researchers Custódia Martins, José Antônio Afonso and Maria da Conceição Antunes.

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30 Apr. 2024

Sofia Fernandes Morgado | PhD in Educational Sciences – Science Education


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24 Apr. 2024

On April 22, CIEd researchers took part in the conference 50 years of April – Democracy, Participation, Education

The event was attended by CIEd researchers Licínio Lima and José Augusto Palhares and PhD student José Nuno Teixeira.

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20 Apr. 2024

Licínio Lima | Honorary member of the Northern Teachers’ Union

The Board of the Northern Teachers' Union (SPN), at its General Members' Meeting held on April 9, awarded CIEd researcher Licínio Lima honorary membership of the union.

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19 Apr. 2024

UPA 2024 – “Journey through education research”

CIEd took part in the first day of UPA with the activity “Journey through research in Education”, led by CIEd researchers Carolina Jardim and Joana Casanova.

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19 Apr. 2024

Licínio Lima was part of the Communications Panel at the Colloquium “50 years of Change and Innovation: The New Universities in the Context of Portuguese Democratization”

CIEd researcher Licínio Lima took part in Panel 1 “The New Universities as a Stage and as a Result of the Democratization and Development Process”.

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17 Apr. 2024

6th edition of the Network Dialogues – STEM education in Portuguese schools: the role of the Mangualde STEM Academy

This session took place on April 16 and was led by Fábio Ribeiro and João Fernandes, from the STEM Academy in Mangualde

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15 Apr. 2024

CIEd/School Self- Evaluation Observatory renews Collaboration Agreement with 33 school groups

Click to access the list of School Groups.

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15 Apr. 2024

7th CIEd Network Dialogues: How to build a successful application to the FCT Call for PhD Research Grants?

This edition of the Network Dialogues took place on April 9th at the Institute of Education.

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10 Apr. 2024

Winter School – Session 6: MAXQDA – Qualitative data analysis and mixed methods | Closing session

Session 6: MAXQDA - Analysis of qualitative data and mixed methods was led by Dr. Francisco Freitas, from Combo, and the Closing Session was given by the coordinator of the Winter School, Sílvia Monteiro.

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09 Apr. 2024

Fabíola Corrêa Viel | PhD in Educational Sciences – Curriculum Development


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04 Apr. 2024

Alline Bettin de Oliveira | PhD in Educational Sciences – Educational Technology


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31 Mar. 2024

CIEd submitted 3 applications to the FCT Call for R&D Projects in All Fields of Knowledge

Sílvia Monteiro, Maria José Casanova and José Augusto Pacheco are the researchers responsible for the applications. Click to find out more.

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29 Mar. 2024

On April 8, the 7th edition of the CIEd Network Dialogues will take place: How to build a successful application to the FCT Call for PhD Research Grants?

CIEd is holding the 7th edition of the CIEd Network Dialogues: How to build a successful application for the FCT Call for PhD Research Grants, […]

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28 Mar. 2024

The 2nd edition of the Doctoral Conference in Educational Sciences will be held on June 11 and 12, 2024

Thesis projects or preliminary research results can be submitted until May 6th. You can find more information here:

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25 Mar. 2024

Isaura Laurinda Manuel Joaquim | PhD in Educational Sciences – Literacies and Portuguese Teaching


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22 Mar. 2024

The Employability, Career Resources and Labor Market Seminar was held on March 20th.

This initiative is part of the project “(Re)Search 4 Career: Remote career intervention, employability and social equity in access to the labor market” (PTDC/CED-EDG/0122/2020), funded by FCT.

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20 Mar. 2024

The 6th edition of the Network Dialogues – STEM education in Portuguese schools: the role of the Mangualde STEM Academy – will be held on April 16.

CIEd is holding the 6th edition of the Network Dialogues – STEM education in Portuguese schools: the role of the Mangualde STEM Academy. This edition […]

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20 Mar. 2024

Call for FCT PhD Scholarships 2024 now open!

Applications will be open between March 18 and April 18, 2024. More information:

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12 Mar. 2024

CIEd researcher Leonor Lima Torres took part in the “Books with RUM – Literature and Authors Live” initiative.

This initiative took place on March 8th, as part of UMinho's 50th anniversary celebrations.

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11 Mar. 2024

Sílvia Cristiana Ribeiro Nunes has taken the PhD exam in Educational Sciences, specializing in Sociology of Education and Educational Policy.

On March 7, the PhD exams in Educational Sciences, in the specialty of Sociology of Education and Educational Policy, were taken by Master Sílvia Cristiana […]

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08 Mar. 2024

Vânia Gabriela Dias Graça | PhD in Educational Sciences – Educational Technology


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06 Mar. 2024

Winter School – Session 5: Systematic Literature Review

This session, which took place last Friday, March 1, was led by Dr. Hugo Sarmento, from the Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education at the University of Coimbra.

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04 Mar. 2024

Thales Cavalcanti e Castro | PhD in Educational Sciences – Educational Technology


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01 Mar. 2024

Winter School – Session 3: Sources for searching scientific information online and Session 4: Using Zotero to manage bibliographic references

Session 3 was led by Dr. Cristina Gonçalves and Session 4 by Dr. Edward Cardoso, from the Documentation and Library Services of the University of Minho.

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27 Feb. 2024

Winter School – Session 2: Experiences of a PhD: challenges, strategies and opportunities

ClEd continued the Winter School – 4th cycle of Advanced Training in Research Methodologies in Education last Friday, February 23rd. The second session of this […]

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22 Feb. 2024

Ana Isabel de Azevedo Domingues took the PhD exam in Educational Sciences, specializing in Pedagogical Supervision.

On February 19, the Doctoral Examinations in Educational Sciences, specializing in Pedagogical Supervision, were taken by Ana Isabel de Azevedo Domingues, with Íris Susana Pires […]

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14 Feb. 2024

Marius Panxhi took the Doctorate Exam in Educational Sciences, specializing in Educational Technology

On February 9, the Doctoral Exams in Educational Sciences, specializing in Educational Technology, were taken by Master Marius Panxhi, with Doctor António José Meneses Osório […]

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12 Feb. 2024

Sandra Maria Tavares Assunção took the Doctoral Exam in Educational Sciences, specializing in Curriculum Development

On February 8, Sandra Maria Tavares Assunção took the doctoral exams in Education Sciences, specializing in Curriculum Development, with José Augusto Brito Pacheco as her […]

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08 Feb. 2024

The Portuguese Journal of Education (RPE) is indexed on Dialnet

The Portuguese Journal of Education (RPE) has been indexed on Dialnet since February 7th! You can visit the presentation page here:

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06 Feb. 2024

The 5th International Colloquium on the Social Sciences of Education was held from February 1st to 3rd.

The 5th International Colloquium on the Social Sciences of Education took place from February 1st to 3rd. The last day of the event was marked […]

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05 Feb. 2024

Tiago André Gomes de Oliveira took the Doctoral Exam in Educational Sciences, specializing in School Organization and Administration

On January 30, Tiago André Gomes de Oliveira took the doctoral exams in Education Sciences, specializing in School Organization and Administration, with Daniela Andrade Vilaverde […]

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02 Feb. 2024

The event “Network Dialogues in Different Contexts: Training Processes and Basic Education Management” was held.

The event organized by REIPEGE – International Research Network in Educational Management, entitled “Network Dialogues in Different Contexts: Training Processes and Basic Education Management”, took […]

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31 Jan. 2024

Winter School – Opening Session and Session 1: Multiple correspondence analysis using IBM SPSS

CIEd has started the Winter School: 4th cycle of advanced training in research methodologies in Education Sciences. This edition includes a series of 6 training […]

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30 Jan. 2024

Luciana Dalla Nora dos Santos took the Doctorate Exam in Educational Sciences, specializing in Educational Technology

On January 23rd, the PhD exams in Educational Sciences, specializing in Educational Technology, were taken by Master Luciana Dalla Nora dos Santos, with Doctor Bento […]

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15 Jan. 2024

João Filipe Sivi defended the PhD Exam in Educational Sciences, in the specialty of Literacy and Teaching Portuguese


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08 Jan. 2024

Maria Helena Martinho elected President of the Portuguese Society for Research in Mathematics Education

Maria Helena Martinho, CIEd researcher, was elected President of the Portuguese Society for Research in Mathematics Education on November 19, 2023. The election took place […]

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13 Dec. 2023

Paula Faria Santos wins UMinho Prize for Initiation in Scientific Research 2023

The UMinho Prize for Initiation in Scientific Research 2023 was awarded on December 12. Paula Faria Santos, a student of the Degree in Education, was […]

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01 Dec. 2023

CIEd researchers Fernanda Martins and Leonor Lima Torres take part in the International Symposium School Director: Training in Focus, in Brazil

The International School Director Symposium: Training in Focus, organized by the Ministry of Education (MEC) in partnership with the International Network for Research with Educational […]

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29 Nov. 2023

CIEd researcher José Augusto Pacheco delivers Prayer of Sapicience at the National University of Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL)

On November 24, CIEd researcher José Augusto Pacheco was at the National University of Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) for the solemn ceremony of the XXIX Graduation […]

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27 Nov. 2023

CIEd researcher Licínio Lima honored at the III Autumn Meeting of the Portuguese Educational Administration Forum

The 8th Fall Meeting of the Portuguese Forum for Educational Administration was held on October 28th. At this event, CIEd researcher Licínio Lima was honoured […]

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23 Nov. 2023

5th Edition of the CIEd Network Dialogues: Effective time management during doctoral studies

The 5th edition of the CIEd Network Dialogues: Effective time management during doctoral studies took place on November 22, as part of Science and Technology […]

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20 Nov. 2023

Call for applications for a Research Fellow

CIEd has an open call for applications for 1 Research Scholarship (BI) for a student enrolled in a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree program enrolled in […]

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14 Nov. 2023

Leonor Lima Torres and José Augusto Palhares took part in the III International Congress on Education Policies, Practices and Management, UNINTER, in Curitiba, Brazil.

CIEd researchers Leonor Lima Torres and José Augusto Palhares took part in the III International Congress on Education Policies, Practices and Management, UNINTER, in Curitiba, […]

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05 Nov. 2023

Presentation of José Augusto Pacheco’s book at the Utopia Literary Festival

The Utopia Literary Festival takes place in Braga from November 2 to 12. UMinho Editora will have a significant presence in the Festival’s program with […]

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30 Oct. 2023

Presentation of the book by CIEd researcher José Augusto Pacheco at the Utopia Literary Festival

On November 6, as part of the Utopia Literary Festival, CIEd researcher José Augusto Pacheco presented his book, “The Curriculum of Everything, Critical Studies on […]

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