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Institute of Education of the University of Minho


The 2nd edition of the Doctoral Conference in Educational Sciences will be held on June 11 and 12, 2024

On June 11 and 12, 2024, the Research Centre on Education and the Direction Borad of the Doctoral Course in Educational Sciences will hold the 2nd edition of the Doctoral Conference in Educational Sciences.

This edition will feature an Opening Session, given by Professor Isabel Menezes, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, a Round Table, entitled “Problems and challenges of doctoral training in Educational Sciences”, and a Panel focused on recent research in Educational Sciences.

The second day of the conference will also be dedicated to emerging research in Education Sciences. We therefore invite PhD students in Education Sciences to submit an abstract of their thesis projects (1st year students) or preliminary research results (2nd or 3rd year students), to be presented at “Panel 2 – Emerging Research in Education Sciences” (June 12), by May 6. You can find more information here:…/2024/03/Chamada-de-resumos-1.pdf

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