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Institute of Education of the University of Minho


2nd Edition of the Doctoral Days in Educational Sciences

On June 11 and 12, 2024, the Centre for Research in Education and the Directorate of the Doctoral Course in Educational Sciences will hold the 2nd edition of the Doctoral Days in Educational Sciences.

The first day of the event will be marked by an Opening Conference entitled “What to do in education research: Between paths of theory and empirics (and yes, they also bifurcate!!)”, given by Isabel Menezes, from CIIE, FPCE, University of Porto, moderated by Sílvia Monteiro.

There will also be a round table entitled “Problems and challenges of doctoral training in Educational Sciences”, with the participation of António Augusto Vicente (Director of the Doctoral College at UMInho), José Augusto Pacheco (Director of the Doctoral Course in Educational Sciences at IE, UMinho) and Leonor Lima Torres (Director of CIEd), moderated by José António Brandão.

This edition of the Doctoral Conference in Educational Sciences also features 2 panels dedicated to research in Educational Sciences. Panel 1: Recent research in Education Sciences will feature presentations of research carried out by PhDs in Education Sciences, with exams completed in the last 5 years. Panel 2 – Emerging research in Education Sciences will feature the presentation of thesis projects or preliminary research results by CIEd doctoral students.

Finally, Mário Azevedo, from the State University of Maringá (UEM), will give a Closing Lecture entitled “Education in times of Metric Society: Platformization as a metaphor for new neoliberal reforms”, moderated by Leonor Lima Torres.

Participation in the 2nd edition of the Doctoral Days in Educational Sciences is free of charge, but registration is compulsory, using the form:

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