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Institute of Education of the University of Minho


CIEd Bulletin No. 10 – Education in Democracy launched

In the year that marks the 50th anniversary of April 25, 1974, which marked the beginning of democratic life in Portugal, the Research Centre on Education is launching a themed issue of the CIEd Bulletin, especially dedicated to Education in Democracy. Democratic education is part of CIEd’s ideology, which is committed to the principles of participation, inclusion, equity and social justice. Seeking to make one of April’s principles – democratic participation – a reality, CIEd symbolically proposed celebrating the event by giving a voice to doctoral students.

This issue of the Bulletin was officially launched during the 2nd edition of the Doctoral Days in Educational Sciences and you can read it in full at the following link:…/2024/06/Boletim-CIEd-no-10.pdf

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