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Institute of Education of the University of Minho


CIEd submitted 3 applications to the FCT Call for R&D Projects in All Fields of Knowledge

The FCT Call for R&D Projects in All Fields of Knowledge ran from December 22, 2023 to March 21, 2024.

CIEd submitted 3 applications to this call:

– Research project “Graduates’ Employability: Multilevel Approach”, with UMinho as the proposing institution and UAlgarve, UAberta and ISCT as partner institutions. The team at UMinho is made up of Sílvia Monteiro (Principal Investigator), Leonor Torres, José Augusto Palhares, José Augusto Pacheco, Sandra Santos, Joana Sousa, Ana Paula Martins, João Cerejeira and Guilherme Pereira;

– Research project “Pathways and Outcomes of Immigrant Students in Portuguese Schools”, with ISCTE as the proposing institution and UMinho as the partner institution. The UMinho team is made up of Maria José Casa Nova (Head Researcher), Daniela Silva and Ana Sofia Afonso;

– Research project “School Evaluation. Understanding the effects of curriculum policies/School self-evaluation. Understanding the effects of curriculum policies”, with UÉvora as the proposing institution and UMinho, UCoimbra and UAberta as partner institutions. The team at UMinho is made up of José Augusto Pacheco (Lead Researcher) and José Carlos Morgado.

The overall budget for these calls for proposals is 140 million euros, with more than 880 research projects expected to be supported.

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