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Institute of Education of the University of Minho


CIEd’s Thematic Line 3 Seminar “Education, participation, (trans)formation, dialog between projects” took place on June 25.

CIEd’s Thematic Line 3 Seminar “Education, participation, (trans)formation, dialog between projects” took place on June 25.

This seminar was marked by the dissemination of the results of projects by Line 3 researchers and reflection on them, with interventions on 3 projects: Digital technologies and education for all (António José Osório, CIEd-UM); TRACER Project: Education and training through the Arts (Maria José Casa-Nova, Maria Alfredo Moreira and Daniela Silva, CIEd-UM); Rede Aproximar – a project to support the elderly population (Conceição Antunes, CIEd-UM).

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