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Institute of Education of the University of Minho

Ensuring better learning for better futures.

Our News and Events


Investigadora Leonor L. Torres convidada a integrar o Bureau du Comité de Recherche (CR07) - Éducation, formation, socialisation, da Association Internationale de Sociologues de Langue Française (AISLF)

A investigadora CIEd integrará o Comité durante o próximo quadriénio, em representação da Sociologia da Educação portuguesa.

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Realizou-se, de 11 a 13 de julho, o XVII Curso de Verão 2024 - Paulo Freire: da Pedagogia do Oprimido à Pedagogia da Autonomia

Este evento contou com a participação dos investigadores CIEd Almerindo Janela Afonso, Daniela Silva, Fátima Antunes, Guilherme Silva e Licínio Lima.

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Realizou-se, de 11 a 13 de julho, o XVII Curso de Verão 2024 - Paulo Freire: da Pedagogia do Oprimido à Pedagogia da Autonomia

Este evento contou com a participação dos investigadores CIEd Almerindo Janela Afonso, Daniela Silva, Fátima Antunes, Guilherme Silva e Licínio Lima.

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Investigadores CIEd Leonor Torres e José Palhares participaram no XXIIe Congrès International de Sociologues de Langue Française – Sciences, Savoirs et Sociétés, em Ottawa

O evento, que decorreu de 8 a 12 de julho, contou com a apresentação de 2 comunicaçãos científicas da autoria dos investigadores CIEd.

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Investigador CIEd José António Brandão Carvalho participou na 23rd European Conference on Literacy & 7th Panhellenic Literacy Conference

O investigador CIEd participou no evento, que decorreu em junho, em Creta, Grécia, com uma comunicação intitulada "Students ‘perceptions of their achievements in a course on academic literacy in a Portuguese University".

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Research Centre on Education

Um centro de investigação multidisciplinar desde 1976

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The Centre for Research in Education (CIEd) is a multidisciplinary research unit of UMinho’s Institute of Education, whose mission is to produce knowledge about education as a means of participating in the transformation of people’s lives and communities.

Since 1976, the Centre’s research has focused on children, young people, adults and the elderly, in a variety of social environments and types of communities, always taking into account the diversity of cultural and social constraints and resources that have an impact on learning, and aspiring for all citizens to be equally prepared to participate actively and critically in society.

Our Mission

Quality and internationalization, impact and outreach, as well as the training of young researchers are central to the Centre's mission.


Portuguese Journal of Education

The Portuguese Journal of Education (PJE) publishes original scientific studies in the area of Education.

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Casal a fazer pesquisa com livro

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