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Institute of Education of the University of Minho


3 articles published in May are part of volume 37, number 1 of RPE

The  Portuguese Journal of Education (RPE) – which is published continuously – published 3 articles during the month of May:

– Veloso, B., & Mill, D. (2024). Distance education and remote teaching: Opposition by the vertex. Revista Portuguesa De Educação, 37(1), e24011 –

– Castilho, Éllen P. A. ., & Haydu, V. B. (2024). Using Kahoot! in teaching procedures: A systematic literature review. Revista Portuguesa De Educação, 37(1), e24012 –

– Ceribeli, M. C. B. (2024). Literature in teacher training and catharsis as a preparatory foundation for the classroom. Revista Portuguesa De Educação, 37(1), e24013 –

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