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Institute of Education of the University of Minho


Paula Faria Santos wins UMinho Prize for Initiation in Scientific Research 2023

The UMinho Prize for Initiation in Scientific Research 2023 was awarded on December 12.

Paula Faria Santos, a student of the Degree in Education, was one of the winners in the Social Human Sciences panel, with the project “Trends in contemporary perspectives on school development: a longitudinal analysis of the External Evaluation of Schools reports published by the Inspectorate-General for Education and Science”, developed as part of the research project “Schools internal improvement mechanisms in Portugal: a comprehensive approach to Schools’ Self-Evaluation in the External Evaluation of Schools context” (2021.03265.CEECIND).

CIEd congratulates Paula Santos on the high quality of her work, as well as CIEd researcher Joana Sousa, who was responsible for monitoring and guiding this research project.

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